The difference in development between rural and urban settings in Nigeria is brought by government concentrating social amenities in the state capital and local government council head quarters. (Bosso local government_there is no doubt that individual in the rural areas as well need the social amenities that are provided in big towns to enable them feel comfortable for better habitation. The social amenities initiated and provided by communities includes postal agencies, pipe borne water, electricity, maternity centres and dispensaries to mention a few. According to Idahosa (1991) referred to these social services provided by the communities as self help. It is a massive local involvement which ha popularized the initiative of the rural persons to fear for themselves in an effort to develop their communities.
There are evidence in literature that the action taken to sustain self help through out Niger state and Nigeria are not only in realization that self help is an essential optimum development but also for the awareness that self help can tremendously improve the living standard of every body in the rural setting and this improves their status. As a result of the role of self help in National development communities engages in self help activities are enjoying the support of the various government at different levels. They assist individuals, communities to develop to the extent that their human and materials resources can allow white attracting from government on viable projects that they are interested in.
The community got this hospital through self help by conduct. However, the political oracle of knowledge that was behind the self help struggle was the person of Mr. Dickson Imasogie who has been of good and influential position for the community, when he was the leader of Ohuan Ward under the PDP plat form. Furthermore, the youths and elders of Bosso are ready to embark on more self help so as to attract the general public and to call the interest of the government to assist them. However, it is imperative to note that communities aught to be given orientation of the benefit of self-help so as to enable most rural areas sub-0urban areas develop properly, following this recent trend of the three communities. In Iyekogba put head together and embarked on a massive road self-help development which attract the interest of the government to come to their aid and continued from where their community stopped. These communities are Okoromi, Egbiri and Obazagbon all at Iyekogba on 20/01/09.
The community pulled resources together to connect the road (various road) and they also move a step or motion to get or sink a bore hole and electricity all the leader of the three communities agreed so that the s can further develop and look more heritable and this also draw the attention of the government to support such development. Honourable Nosa Ehima admonish the communities and other communities until their s became two remote, with bad road and dilapidated buildings before embarking on self-help that has such will bring bright and publicize their communities for better economic social and political growth and development. The ability of any community to provide social amenities in its area has become a measure of a community’s fame. Ultimately, self-help is a major virtue supported by government. Every community wants to compete and excel other communities with available resources so as to win respect through accelerating pace of development.
The Nigeria government and the various communities acknowledge the value of self-help in the development of com unities. Thus the communities have been called upon by various governments to engage in self-help in providing social amenities in their areas to support the efforts of government as it is in many states in the world. Communities work is essential concerned with affecting the course of social change through the two process of analyzing social situations and forming relationship with different grou0ps to bring about some desirable change. It has three main aims the first is the democratic process of involving people in thinking deciding planning and playing an active part in the development and operating of services that affect their daily lives, the second relates to the values for personal fulfillment of belonging to a community. The third is concerned with the need in community planning to think of actual people in relation to other people and the satisfaction of their needs as person rather to faces attention upon a series of separate needs and problems.
Lovett Tom, Adult Education Community Development and the Working Class Ward Lock Education work in Liverpool was motivated by similar objectives with the emphasis on working class communities. Communities adult education brought to support the activities of local people in their efforts to play a positive role in issues affecting their daily lives. It was concerned to assist in the process of personal fulfillment by emphasizing the opportunities afforded by education to strengthen community bonds and at the same time to widen the choices available to individual in such communities comparing the rural system and planning confirmed that “the expectation of the federal and state government that communities should provide available amenities in their areas as a means of accelerating development is still a dream “thus Myerere Jr. declared “this is not surprising because some communities are not endowed with sufficient human and materials resources as others and the government with the federal characters posture is not helping there that government rely on self help to develop community./ the continuous reliance on self help has remained a primary source of discomfort on the inability of less privileged communities to play the same role. Thus, it seems logical to work at the roles of self help in community development programmes in Bosso it is hoped that this could be a source of information to improve the standard of living of the rural areas to Bosso to meet the expectations of Bosso local government area of Niger state and Nigeria in general self-help project in Bosso Bosso local government area.
Clement Igbinukpogie in an interview in 2008 highlighted the roles of the front line workers to include initiating self-help project in communities where the initiative is lacking besides where the initiative exists, they help communities to plan organized and guide them to raise fund to start any project through levy appeal to social groups voluntary agencies, indigenes to donate in kind or cash launching of projects from government to help communities in Bosso are the guides that enable them start off and conclude projects which they started.